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Mailing List Website has extensive database listings for the top active golfers in the US and Canada mailing list

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Specialty Golf Ball Buyers of Canada and the US

Gold compared to other sports that may only require a pair of good sneakers to play, such as basketball, golf requires golf clubs but access to a golf course,

LAS VEGAS, NV, UNITED STATES, March 29, 2022 / -- Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing is prepared to assist any business increase revenues by finding more customers and clients. Companies that work directly with other businesses will benefit from extensive business postal mailing lists available to make direct contact with the relevant title-holders and decision-makers in a company.

Businesses that offer their products and services to the general public can use consumer postal mailing lists. These lists comprise a huge spectrum of different geographic and demographic needs. Whether the interest is in B2B transactions or targeting the general consumer market, the right database is there for the right need.

How Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Came To Be

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing was the dream of a disabled veteran. Having finished the responsibilities of military defense, it was decided that the next step should not be defense, but growth, specifically for the economy. This would be done by helping businesses find the customers and clients essential to solid performance. A humble start-up began and today proudly boasts a staff with over 50 years of combined experience in the marketing sector.

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing began operations on the cusp of major change. Traditional marketing techniques still dominated the industry, but digital was already getting noticed by some as a potential game-changer. At the time, the company’s entry point into the industry was direct mail marketing, which had the fortunate side-effect of imparting critical lessons on data acquisition, management, and analytics. When digital marketing, with its data-based techniques, exploded as the new platform, the company was in a good position to enjoy an early mover advantage. This brought significant gains for both itself and the clients it served.

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing started first with a local service range, only its hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada. Today, the service range covers the entire United States, including the states of Alaska and Hawaii. Crossing the borders is also an option for businesses wanting to approach Canada or Mexico. For those businesses ready to enter the international arena, lists are available that cross the Atlantic and give access to European Union countries like France.

A Hobby & A Lifestyle

Like many sports, participating in golf requires a serious commitment. However, while requiring the discipline to practice, that commitment does not necessarily have the same physical strength and stamina training needs as other sports like football or mixed martial arts competition. Tools, such as golf clubs, are just as important as talent. And unlike other sports like baseball or soccer, where the field of play remains the same no matter where you go, golf’s challenge comes from the constant changes to the environment and the adaptation required to get golf balls in the hole under par.

It’s a very different sport from others, relying on individual judgment and autonomy rather than the ability to function within a team. It is also, however, not just a sport. Because of its reputation as an activity for those who aspire to a more affluent lifestyle, golf is also seen as a statement of belonging to that level of affluence and as an opportunity for people to network and even conduct business in a setting outside the boardroom.

Active Golfers Present Possibilities

The top, most active golfers in America, present different marketing opportunities for the right products and services. Of course, the most obvious sales and marketing possibilities are for those businesses directly tied into golf itself, whether it is manufacturing and selling tools of the trade like golf clubs or other accessories associated with the sport, such as golf bags, golfing shoes, proper attire, and others.

However, because of the lifestyle requirements, real or aspirational, top golfers also have interests outside of golf that can be engaged with the right targeted marketing. Financial products such as investment opportunities or insurance, services such as accounting, and even vehicle maintenance for similarly expensive cars are all possible products and services offered.

The Right Data For The Right Marketing Needs

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing has comprehensive lists of top golfers around the United States. These databases have as broad or as narrow a geographic focus as required, from nationwide, to a specific region, like only New England golfers. It can even be narrowed down to just one state, like golfers in California, or even a particular city or neighborhood, like only golfers in San Francisco in the Silicon Valley area.

Just as importantly, lists provide specific demographic breakdowns as required. So if a product or service is targeted only at African American golfers, or a specific faith, like primarily Christian golfers, those particular groups can be targeted. If only golfers with a particular income are desired, then high net worth individuals only, for example, can be included in the lists provided. The lists offer contact data like mailing addresses, email addresses for digital marketing, telephone numbers for telemarketing, and even cellular numbers for text/SMS-based marketing.

For those clients that would like to manage a direct mail campaign but feel uncertain due to lacking experience, turnkey direct mail solutions are available. This is a step-by-step service in which every aspect of the direct mail campaign has provided guidance, from concept to design, manufacturing and printing materials, and finally distribution.
If you want access to top golfer lists around North America, contact Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing. It’s a fast, effective way to get the results you want for increasing your sales. You support an American company owned and operated by a disabled veteran when you work with us.

Annie Gallardo
Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing
+1 702-472-8668
email us here

Top Golfers of North America who buy golfing products. Golfing Vacation Packages

Smart Golf Club Buyers Mailing List

High Tech GOLF accessory buyers mailing lists

Specialty Golf Ball Buyers of Canada and the US

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